Monday, February 18, 2008

in blog.mode

i had a completely peaceful, relaxing weekend. we spent saturday lazing around (as i believe i detailed in my last post on that lazy saturday.) yesterday we headed up east to the met museum (thanks again, mom, for those memberships!) being a member of the musem is wonderful, especially on a day like sunday, when every single tourist in nyc is clamoring to see the temple of dendur (thanks, project runway, for featuring the met!)

i wanted to see the costume institute, as it was closed the last time i went. currently they are exhibiting blog.mode, which seems like a random assortment of pieces from the collection (a few old dresses, a bunch of new stuff), though perhaps the theme was something like "it made people talk!" as they combined a dior new look dress with a necklace that included vials of semen. (made by simon costin, who i wish i could have studied while i was at school. his jewelry art pieces are really fantastic. and very informed by art and art history and literature and philosophy.) anyways, now i am meta-blogging, i suppose, as blog.mode had a "blog bar" set up in the middle of the exhibit so that after you looked at all the pieces you could comment on the curator's explanations. from what i understood, it was meant to be about the way technology is such a huge part of our lives and now everyone can express themselves more readily and blah blah blah. it was an interesting idea, but it didn't make for such an interesting exhibit. even though we saw some fabulous pieces by issey miyake and vivienne westwood and olivier theyskins, we just didn't have much to talk about after we left. and it's not like i went with the wrong boy; s always has lots to say after project runway.

we then spent a couple of hours rambling through the met, which i think is the best way to see the museum. since we don't have to pay, we don't have to cram the entire thing into a day and i don't get nervous that we're going to miss something and never get to see it again, so we can do things like wander through the european decorative arts galleries talking about how comfortable the sofas might be. the met is currently under more construction that i would like (i think i have another year to wait on the american wing garden, and two more years until they re-open the islamic art galleries, which i just cannot wait to see) but i understand, and i certainly thank phillipe de montebello for all of his hard work.

apres-museum, we headed down to union square to catch a movie. every year i am bound and determined to watch all the oscar nominees and i usually fall short by one or two but this year i am particularly bad, so i have been resolved to see at least another before the ceremony. last night we saw "there will be blood" and of course i had heard nothing but good about it and of course i was not at all surprised when it lived up to my expectations. it is a slow film (in the best way, that the story-telling is not rushed or conventional), and a quiet film (save for some explosions), and it is full of tension with little release, and daniel day-lewis is again of one the best things in the whole world. we dissected the plot and the characters and the story on the train home and both agreed it was an excellent film. and such an incredible score. the music i felt was like another character at times. s felt it mirrored the internal stuggles of daniel plainview. (we both agreed it totally sounded like the opening sounds to lost at some points.) sometimes i am surprised when films are nominated for oscars; in this case i most certainly am not.

today was errands and more lazing and then s went off to work and i stayed home to read the new yorker. is it possible that i am ready to go back to work? i guess i like having some structure to my days; this has felt like a real vacation.


JUST ME said...

I love the Met.

But it INSTANTLY makes me tired. As soon as I step through the doors, BAM.

I could sleep for fucking ever on the floor.

A Pal and a Confidant said...

I want to see M in magical New York. I want to go to the Met.

I <3 your blog.

A Pal and a Confidant said...
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