Wednesday, April 23, 2008

low art on the lower east side

i am sorry blog, but with my new love the apartment search, i have been neglecting you. (last night i sat by the phone waiting for a landlord to call, and when he said i was very nice but it just wouldn't work out, i hung up the phone and then cried. this is just like a bad relationship!)

i had a four day weekend that s and i didn't really know what to do with, so we went to a friend's band's show and cooked food and looked at apartments and took naps and did laundry and walked around in the sunshine and ran errands and just generally lazed.

tonight mk and aa and i went to see a show on the lower east side (i will not print the name, i don't want to hurt them) that was one of the worst pieces of theatre i have seen in a long time. the show itself was awful, pieced together and incoherent, awkward and not funny when it meant to be and unintentionally hilarious at other times. it included clearly fake weapons, a "crazy audience member" who interrupted three times, a random lesbian kiss (that came out of nowhere-ha! a great pun), gratuitous cursing and drug references and songs that i might've written in third grade. AWFUL.

we prefaced it with a delicious dinner at veselka, where we shared pierogis, latkes, stuffed cabbage, beet salad and kielbasa--they ate it, not me--like the good little jewish center employees we are. seriously delicious, we all walked out fat and happy (into the trap of awful theatre.) have i mentioned how lucky i feel to have made such fantastic friends from work? it makes the job worth doing, sometimes.

tomorrow we are going to a premier at the tribeca film festival, and this weekend my parents are coming to visit, so i should have lots to say soon. stay with me, readers in sweden, chicago and lake charles, louisiana. i promise to write more soon!

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