Sunday, June 8, 2008

playing catch-up

i'm a no-good, terrible, very bad blogger, but i have been too busy to update. a lack of internet makes updation a little trickier as well. but i promised an update about our apartment and the bowl-a-thon, so i'm going to resort to that old lazybones standby and do a picture post.


living room.



i know it looks a bit like a bomb went off (primarily a book and shoe bomb, i discovered in my unpacking) but can't you see its potential? think of these as before pics; i bet you can't wait until our apartment is posing in its formerly size 0XL pants.


my fellow charity bowlers (they feature in previous tales of happy hours, lost-watching parties and band concerts.)

we're an expressive bunch.

i didn't get many action shots, but we weren't all that active anyways. my teammates bowled well, i bowled terribly (but i did avoid any further injury), and we all had fun.


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Chelsea Talks Smack said...

BOWLING kicks ass and I think were all bad bloggers right now, its that time of year.