Monday, July 14, 2008

holy hotness, batman

i just saw christian bale.

not in a cool way, not in a bumped-into-you, you're-kind-of-pretty, come-be-in-my-next-movie way. in a usual way. "the dark knight" is premiering at the theatre down the block from my office, and i am currently holed up here until 7 pm, and i watched them set up the tents earlier today, and could hear the screaming as i typed, so when ls and the new girl went running down the hallway to go see the celebrities, i abandoned my post and went running with them. we got there in time to see christian bale walking the red carpet, smiling and signing autographs. good gracious, that man is gorgeous. it was worth it just to see him.

though it would be more worth it to bump into him. and then get to be in his next movie. just saying.

also? this never happened in bloomington.

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