Sunday, October 19, 2008

blog baby

i totally missed the one-year anniversary of my blog! what a bad mama! well, happy birthday blog, i owe you a cupcake. in honor of such, i would like to return to the snapshot post, and take a break from the long recaps.

tonight mk and i came home on an a train full of entertainment. first a man got on and sang this beautiful song. (i have no idea what it was.) he had one of those voices that sounds full of anguish and love, a voice that has lived a real life. i gave him all the change i had in my purse. then we witnessed a dance-off between a teenage boy and an adorable dancing toddler. seriously, this baby breaker had to be no more than four or five, and he was popping and locking across the car, despite falling down a few times due to the motion of the train and his own under-developed center of gravity. the entire car loved him. one of the cutest things i have seen in a long time. i love it when the commute can surprise me in a good way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

happy one year blog b-day!