Saturday, December 8, 2007

bill cosby=totally right (minus the jello is for everyone thing)

kids do say the darndest things.

my soundtrack to the morning commute is usually the podcast of this american life. (are you there, ira glass? it's me, magical-newyork. please record me telling pithy life stories to an indie rock background.) anyways, last week i was listening to "kid logic," and it was one of my favorites. i had some crazy kid logic myself. (i thought all liquids turned into orange juice in your stomach, since urine was slightly yellow, and orange juice was the only yellow liquid i knew. and no, i did not think orange juice was urine, nor did i ever try to drink my own pee. i just figured that's what that was.) i work with children on a regular basis, at my community arts program, and last week i was in the elevator with a group of kids and had this exchange.

little girl: i'm the tallest person in my class.
me: are you? i was never the tallest person in my class. i was always the shortest.
little girl, considering this information: well, you do look pretty short.
me: yes, i guess i am. (mind you, she was about seven, and only barely came up past my waist. but i guess if she's used to looking up at adults, she didn't have to look up quite as far.)

and she's right, i am short.

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