Friday, December 28, 2007

things i should have blogged about

i should have wished everyone a very merry christmas. (and sorry jews, i missed the boat on hanukkah a few weeks ago. also, happy kwanzaa.)

i should have mentioned how pleasant the train is. i love train travel.

i should have written about how this year i got a beautiful digital camera, pie-baking accoutrements, the bobby pins i wanted (weird, yes) and other lovely things.

i should have blogged about how on christmas day, we went down to the ellipse opposite the whitehouse and saw the national christmas tree, and the trees from every state, and took silly self-portraits before walking to the national botanical gardens. the gardens have an incredible toy train set up made entirely out of wood and bark and mosses, and inside are wood-bark-moss replicas of all of the monuments and capital hill neighborhoods.

i should have described our wednesday with my mother's family, and today with my father's family, eating and talking and reconnecting with family members. i know every comedian makes jokes about holidays with the family, but since we grew up out west, i never spent a christmas with extended family, which means i still think it is special and fun. (i also will never get mother-in-law jokes, since i get along so well with s's family.)

but i didn't. so there you go. tomorrow i hop on the train back home to new york only to bus to new hampshire with s on sunday. world travelers, that's what we are. ok blog, love you.

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