Sunday, January 4, 2009

209 reasons

in this new year, i am trying to enjoy where i am and what i am doing, instead of focusing on "the instead". a resolution, you say? sort of. rather than resolve, i decided to make a list of changes i want to accomplish in this new year, and work from there. i've already got some good plans in the works.

anyways, an important thing to me is to appreciate new york while i live here. and to appreciate brooklyn, because it is becoming my home, and i am starting to grow a lil bk pride. in my blog stumbling, i discovered a new site i like very much, even if i can't say their name aloud in polite company. (like, at work or in front of my parents.) they compiled a list of 209 reasons why brooklyn is so damn badass, and i think it is great. there are already a lot of things on there i know and appreciate, and a few things that i am like "ooh, gotta look into that!" so, read, enjoy, move to my nabe and let's get a bagel.

welcome 2009, you delightful creature. i've got big plans for you.

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