Monday, August 18, 2008

crazy old men

i don't ever need to post again: the most blog hits i will everget were because i wrote about a co-worker seeing daniel radcliffe. sigh. but about the old men . . .

last week aa and i were headed to the farmer's market outside our office when we spotted regis. i saw him walking towards us--shorter than i expected (though i really never thought about his height), uncannily tan, wearing a gorgeous purple tie--and hissed "a! it's regisss!" (emphasis mine, to express hissing) and she said "i know, i saw him!" he was like a small, sweet, orange grampa.

s and i were talking this weekend about the new york city runway of crazy hobo couture, and my favorite local catwalker is a man i call "old elvis." he looks sort of like an elvis impersonator on an off day, with a slightly deflated pompadour, seventies glasses, high-ish collars--nothing that would look too off on their own, but combined they create a deliciously kooky look. i saw him at the grocery store a month or so ago, but recently i've been seeing him as i come home from work in the evenings, which means we are neighbors. he looks the same, in stores and on the street. who is he? i want to know, 'cause in the words of my fave, tim gunn: "that's a whole lotta look."


Anonymous said...

As long as he makes it work.

m said...

haaaa ha. i love some good tim gunn humor.

Unknown said...

small and orange? sounds like an umpa lumpa to me...