Friday, August 8, 2008

flourish and botts

one of the women in my office saw daniel radcliffe (harry potter) at the starbucks down the block from us. he's in town to work on equus, i believe. every other woman starting screeching, wondering if they might be able to run back and see him. i found this hilarious, in part because i think of him as the little boy wizard. he might actually be rather close to my age (under-21 though, i think), so i would never think of him as an object of desire. but those celebrity sightings, they're always turning us all to mush.

also spotted (same starbucks): allison janney (who i think is really cool.) very tall, pretty in person, wearing a cool headband, drinking a triple-soy latte. (that's a latta soy!) and: mark summers, dining at cafe fiorello. aa gets the credit for spotting him--she watches a lot of food network.

also, also: i know i have been a bad blogger recently. i have been broke and super-busy, and my leisure activities have been confined to throwing a lovely apartment-warming party, and watching project runway with my gals (go daniel!) this weekend should prove magical, however. stay with me, lone readers!


Unknown said...

you forgot about my spotting of John Norris. MTV news, classic.

Anonymous said...

Don't suppose you'd be willing to share the location of this particular Starbucks, would you? I'm visiting NY in February and I figure my chances of seeing Dan somewhere like this are much greater than my chances of getting near enough to the stage door for an autograph after the play.

m said...

w 67th and columbus (upper west side, near central park.) i make no promises about seeing him again, though! have a wonderful trip!